
Incumbent Trustees Bennett and Owen-Michaane campaign launch

Incumbent Trustees Bennett and Owen-Michaane campaign launch

February 14, 2024
Wednesday 14 Feb '24

Incumbent Trustees Bennett and Owen-Michaane campaign launch

Incumbent trustees Bridget (Breda) Bennett and Maurice Owen-Michaane launched their re-election campaigns on Monday to a crowd of enthusiastic supporters. Trustee Bennett serves as Pelham Manor’s Deputy Mayor and Police Commissioner, while Trustee Owen-Michaane serves as DPW Commissioner. These two long-time residents have both been deeply involved in community organizations and focused their comments on their respective contributions to Pelham Manor’s governance and future. The candidates highlighted their ongoing commitment to Village service, which is characterized by fiscal prudence and high-level services.

At the event, Deputy Mayor Bennett and Trustee Owen-Michaane underscored the Village’s fiscal stability and community outreach. They pointed to the Village’s debt-free status as a significant achievement, stating that this has positioned Pelham Manor favorably to address necessary improvements without reliance on external funding sources. “Our duty to our neighbors is to keep this Village a special place to live, with low crime and a high quality of life. We’re dedicated to providing reliable services and a real sense of community. Neighbors working with each other is what we’re all about,” said Deputy Mayor Bennett.

Both candidates stressed the importance of transparency and reviewed the Village’s impressive record of open government. They also referenced efforts such as the Village’s annual newsletter, one of many initiatives which addresses diverse preferences for Village communications.

Trustee Owen-Michaane emphasized the need to maintain and enhance Pelham Manor’s premier Village services, such as bi-weekly rear yard trash collection and ongoing storm water mitigation efforts. He discussed the Village’s fast-tracked interim mitigation measures on a variety of streets. He then reviewed key aspects of Pelham Manor’s fiscal discipline, which allows the Village to provide services and complete projects without incurring debt, thus saving taxpayer money.

Deputy Mayor Bennett echoed these sentiments, citing Pelham Manor’s low crime rate and the high quality of its emergency services with outstanding response times. She outlined ongoing measures to enhance pedestrian safety, including the addition of four stop signs, located at the intersections of Monroe Avenue and Penfield Place at Clay Avenue and on Hunter Avenue at Oak Lane and Grant Avenue.  Having raised six children in Pelham Manor, Deputy Mayor Bennett’s focus on public safety aligns with her role as Police Commissioner and reflects a commitment to addressing community concerns.

Both candidates conveyed sincere affection for Pelham Manor and a desire to see the Village continue to thrive. Their speeches centered on a sense of community cohesion and mutual support, drawing attention to Pelham Manor’s tradition of neighborly assistance.

Voters can support Deputy Mayor Bennett and Trustee Owen-Michaane on the Neighborhood or Republican line. The Pelham Manor Village election is on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, with polls open at the Pelham Manor Fire Station, 4 Penfield Place, from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.  For more information, please visit